Javascript JQuery를 이용하여 금액 입력 필드에 숫자만 입력하게 하고 입력 후 콤마 표시를 하게 하는 방법입니다.
DB 또는 파라미터로 받은 숫자를 PHP함수로 콤마를 넣는 방법입니다.
INPUT 필드에 onkeyup 이벤트 발생 시 정규식을 이용, 숫자가 아닌 값은 지워버리게 합니다.
INPUT 필드를 빠져 나갈 때 Blur 이벤트 발생 시 정규식을 이용하여 콤마가 들어가게 처리를 합니다.
var str = $("#amt").val();
str = str.replace(/(\d)(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,')
PHP의 number_format을 사용하게 되면 숫자 데이터에 콤마가 들어가서 출력을 하게 됩니다.
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
number_format — Format a number with grouped thousands
number_format ( float $number [, int $decimals = 0 ] ) : string
number_format ( float $number , int $decimals = 0 , string $dec_point = "." , string $thousands_sep = "," ) : string
This function accepts either one, two, or four parameters (not three):
If only one parameter is given, number will be formatted without decimals, but with a comma (",") between every group of thousands.
If two parameters are given, number will be formatted with decimals decimals with a dot (".") in front, and a comma (",") between every group of thousands.
If all four parameters are given, number will be formatted with decimals decimals, dec_point instead of a dot (".") before the decimals and thousands_sep instead of a comma (",") between every group of thousands.
The number being formatted.
Sets the number of decimal points.
Sets the separator for the decimal point.
Sets the thousands separator.
Return Values
A formatted version of number.
7.2.0 | number_format() was changed to not being able to return -0, previously -0 could be returned for cases like where number would be -0.01. |
5.4.0 | This function now supports multiple bytes in dec_point and thousands_sep. Only the first byte of each separator was used in older versions. |
$number = 1234.56;
// english notation (default)
$english_format_number = number_format($number);
// 1,235
// French notation
$nombre_format_francais = number_format($number, 2, ',', ' ');
// 1 234,56
$number = 1234.5678;
// english notation without thousands separator
$english_format_number = number_format($number, 2, '.', '');
// 1234.57
소스 전문입니다.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<input type="text" id="amt" name="amt" value="<?= number_format($amt) ?>" class="form-control" placeholder="금액을 입력하세요." onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');">
var str = $("#amt").val();
str = str.replace(/(\d)(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,')
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